Roku TV Logo

Having Problems Finding MBC Network on your Roku TV or Roku TV Device?

Well you found the right place to get some help.

1st Grab your Roku Remote and Click the Home Button.

Now you Should be on your Home Screen.


2nd, Under Home you will find Streaming Store , Click that.

Roku Streaming Store

3rd, click on Search and if you don't see it just Scroll tell you do.


4th, Search for, "DIY TV".

Search for DIY TV

5th, Click on our TV Channel Logo as you see it below.

Click Logo

6th, now click, "Add app".

Add App

7th, App is now adding to your Home Screen.

App is Adding

8th, app is now added so click, "OK".

App Added Now

9th, Now don't Click open App, click the Home Button on your Remote.
       Scoll up tell you see MBC™ App.  Thats US.


10th, on your remote click on the Star / Astric and a menu will open.


11th, Now click Move up if you want to move the app manually or Click,
         Move App To Top,

Move App

12th, Just wait a sec the app will move to the top.

App Moving

13th, clickon the MBC™ app to open it.

Open App

14th, Now MBC™ is loading.

App is Loading

Still Loading

15th, Now click on the channel you want.  DIY TV channel is the most popular.

click on the Channel you want.